
Conflict of Interest Policy

Passed by the MGP-CC June 25, 2019 (Loomio Vote)

In all decisions of the Maryland Green Party Coordinating Council (MGP-CC) involving procedures for the nomination of a candidate for public office; allocation of funds for candidates seeking the nomination of the Maryland Green Party or nominees of the Maryland Green Party; or the allocation of other material resources to candidates or nominees of the Maryland Green Party ("material resources" include, but are not limited to, promotion, endorsement, or assignment of staff or volunteer time) individuals will be required to inform the MGP-CC of any circumstances that create a conflict of interest and are strongly encouraged to recuse themselves from such decisions.

MGP-CC members recusing themselves from a decision shall cast a vote of "abstain", and their abstention shall be considered as a vote for purposes of determining quorum.

The following circumstances shall be deemed to a create a "conflict of interest":

  • an MGP-CC member who is a candidate for public office;

  • a contract between the MGP-CC member and any candidate for public office who may benefit materially or strategically from a decision made by the MGP-CC;

  • any monetary compensation paid to an MGP-CC member by a candidate for public office who may benefit materially or strategically from a decision made by the MGP-CC;

  • an MGP-CC member serving in an unpaid capacity as a director, officer, associate, trustee, personal representative, receiver, or other legal representative of, or consultant to any candidate for public office who may benefit materially or strategically from a decision made by the MGP-CC;

  • an MGP-CC member whose spouse or domestic partner is a candidate for public office who may benefit materially or strategically from a decision made by the MGP-CC, or whose spouse or domestic partner is subject to any conflict of interest as defined by this policy.
