Candidate Information
Be aware of the Qualifications and the Requirements for Filing Candidacy. Learn the basics of Maryland Campaign Finance Law.
General Resources
The Green Party of the United States' Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC) has a public Google Drive, dubbed as the "Campaign in a Box," which provides candidates with an array of resources. The CCC also has free online webinars and other tools.
Mapping Data
Local campaigns on a budget are encouraged to use My Maps by Google. This free tool allows campaign teams to overlay voter data onto a Google Map, that can easily be shared and viewed by team members right from their mobile device. Each imported file of data will make up a layer over the map. The maximum number of data points that can be imported for any layer is 2,000 rows of data. My Map files are limited to 10 layers. Theoretically, one map could cover as many as 20,000 registered voters.
Each layer can be categorized. One layer might have imported Green Voters, another might have imported Unaffiliated Voters. Party Designation is often abbreviated: Democrat-DEM, Green-GRN, Libertarian-LIB, Republican-REP, Unaffiliated-UNA. In addition, each layer could constitute an entire ward; this could be done for a small town.
Searches can be made in My Maps. If a volunteer enters "GRN" into the search box, all of the registered Greens would be highlighted (this is assuming party designation was abbreviated in the data file). The highlighted icons / pins may be selected, where an info box will pop-up showing all of the uploaded information of the voter. This is incredibly useful during canvassing. A volunteer can zoom in on the street they are door-knocking and know what type of voter they will encounter (What is their party affiliation?).
Overview of Google My Maps:
Financial Reporting
Overview of MDCRIS:
Building the Party and Campaigning at the Same Time with Andy Ellis (slide deck only)
Developing A Voter Database with John Holland and Nancy Wallace