CC Duties

Below are documents to support new officers and delegates or those who might be interested in these positions.

MGP Officers


  • share responsibility for facilitating all MGP Assemblies and Coordinating Council,
  • carry out much of the day-to-day administrative work and ensure that work gets done,
  • are the main public spokespersons for the MGP, and
  • serve on one or more committees.
  • One of the two co-chairs is designated by the CC as “the chair” for State Board of Elections purposes; this name appears on all ballot access petition forms.
  • More details: Co-Chairs


  • maintains the financial books of the MGP,
  • works with the finance committee to develop a budget,
  • files all necessary election reports and forms to comply with federal and state election laws in a timely manner,
  • maintains all bank and financial accounts for the organization, and
  • makes a public accounting of the finances of the organization at each MGP Assembly for the period since the last MGP Assembly.


  • Communicates meeting information to members.
  • Takes and posts minutes and related documents for MGP-CC meetings, including the Annual Assembly.
  • Convenes the Bylaws Review and Rules Committee.
  • Communicates, as directed by the co-chair(s), with the GPUS Secretary about changes in National Committee delegates and MGP representatives to the various GPUS Committees.
  • More details: Secretary

Local and At-Large Delegates to the Maryland Green Party

  • propose, consider, and vote on MGP state governing body decisions (see past list)
  • serve on at least one MGP committee
  • support the main work of the state MGP, which is maintaining ballot status
  • More details: MGP Delegates

MGP Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the national Green Party

  • track discussions at the national level,
  • seek input from and report back to the MGP on these discussions and issues, and
  • delegates vote on issues brought before the National Committee; alternates vote if a delegate cannot
  • More details: GPUS Delegate Info (from GPUS);
  • Voting Schedule
